Our Policies
Changing Lives Since 2010
Educating Children ~ Empowering Communities
Manisha UK is registered under the Charity Commission for England and Wales. The Charity Commission encourages good governance of all registered charities. Part of good governance is having guidance, policies and procedures in place to ensure the charity is well run and that risks to the charity and its trustees, volunteers and benefactors, are effectively managed.
In addition to the terms of its Trust Deeds and the reporting requirements of the Charity Commission, Manisha UK meets the current policy expectations of the Charity Commission as follows:
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Privacy Policy
We collect no data via cookies on the Manisha UK website, except as required by our service provider, Google.
We collect no data from users of the Manisha UK website or the websites of our partner providers, except for that freely entered by website users.
We may collect personal information via our partner providers.
Personal information is held securely by our partner providers in order to fulfill the service they provide and their associated legal obligations.
We may download and hold securely, personal information from our partner providers in order to fulfill our legal obligations and to enable appropriate communications with our supporters.
Personal information held by Manisha UK is held securely in password protected storage.
Personal information is limited to that freely provided by users of the Manisha UK website or the websites of our partner providers.
Personal information held by Manisha UK is not shared beyond Manisha UK and its trustees, unless legally required to do so.
You may request a copy of your personal information held by Manisha UK, by emailing info@manisha-uk.org
Risk Management Policy
We hold formal interviews with all potential volunteers.
We select from a pool of teaching, coaching, healthcare professionals.
We prefer volunteers with current UK DBS certificate.
We ask for references for volunteers.
We provide volunteers with written T&Cs, FAQ and Briefing Notes.
We provide in-country support and UK communication contact details.
We assess the situation regarding the safety of volunteers in Nepal, before and during placements.
Managing Volunteers Policy:
We hold formal interviews with all potential volunteers.
We select from a pool of teaching, coaching, healthcare professionals.
We prefer volunteers with current UK DBS certificate.
We ask for references for volunteers.
We provide volunteers with T&Cs, FAQ and Briefing Notes.
We provide in-country support and UK communication contact details.
We continually assess the situation for volunteers in Nepal, before and during placements.
NQT placements begin with a period of being chaperoned by experienced volunteer/trustees.
NQT placements are supported with additional volunteers/trustees during their placement.
Safeguarding Policy:
See Risk Management and Managing Volunteers policies above.
Investment Policy:
We make no financial investments, available funds are applied as grants for the delivery of our objectives.
We hold no petty cash.
Available funds are held in the charity's HSBC Treasurer's Account.
Conflict of Interest Policy:
A Trustee must absent himself or herself from any discussions of the Trustees in which it is possible that a conflict will arise between his or her duty to act solely in the interests of the Charity and any personal interest (including but not limited to any personal financial interest).
Complaints Handling Policy:
Any complaint received by any of the trustees will be passed to the Chairman & Secretary for logging, assessment and appropriate action by the board of trustees.
Payments Policy:
We have no staff in the UK or Nepal. Therefore, no staff payments are made.
We make grants to schools in Nepal to enable them to improve educational, healthcare and sustainability facilities and resources.
We make grants to individuals who provide necessary support services on our behalf to schools in Nepal.
We make grants to volunteers/trustees to cover transport, food and accommodation expenses during teacher training placements.
We pay reasonable expenses to trustees, incurred in the course of running the charity.