Rakama Devi (Khokhla)
School Profile
Educating Children ~ Empowering Communities
Rakama Devi Lower Secondary School
The school is situated in Pipaldanda Village Development Committee, Ward number 5 Lunkare in Palpa District, Nepal.
Mr Krishna Prasad Bashyal, a famous social worker at that time, worked in the village RSDC as a social motivator and other agressive villagers in 2046 B.S. established this school. It is registered as a community school in 2047 B.S. and the Nepal government registered it as a public school in 2050 B.S.
Pipaldanda, 5 Lunkare community is the direct beneficiary of this school.
The school runs classes Nursery up to 8.
Objectives Of The School
The school motto is: To educate remote people up to lower secondary level without their investment.
Investment objectives: To upgrade the school to provide secondary education. This means rebuilding the two oldest classrooms and adding two more. Kitchen/canteen facilities are also needed.
Community Background
The community is entirely subsistence agriculture based, they eat what they grow and they grow what they eat.
The school benefits from being co-located with the Pipaldanda Village Development Committee building, a post office, a medical centre with practice nurse and a community tea shop.
The school is far from other communities and a secondary school. This means that there is a large drop out of children from education after they leave this school as the nearest secondary school is over two hours walk away.
The school would like to expand to include secondary years
The main village is an hour's walk uphill from the school, most children walk this every day.
Support For This School
Minor improvements
Schools Twinned With This School
Contact Details
Principal: Mr D Bashyal
Village: Khokhla
VDC: Pipaldanda-5
District: Palpa
Country: Nepal
E-mail: Not available
Telephone: Not available
Web Site: Not available
Teacher Profile
Men: 5
Women: 5
Total: 10
Pupil Profile
Boys: 76
Girls: 81
Total: 157
Pre-school: 10
Year 1: 12
Year 2: 12
Year 3: 17
Year 4: 16
Year 5: 22
Year 6: 24
Year 7: 23
Year 8: 21
Year 9: -
Year 10: -
Year 11: -
Year 12: -